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- 90 Essay Questions - with model answers
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In the LawMint LNAT Practice Test Series for 2024 and 2025, there are 30 full length tests, with 360 passages – 1260 MCQs and 90 essay prompts or essay questions.
The essay below is a sample that can be written for the prompt:
Should medical professionals prioritize patient autonomy or medical ethics in treatment decisions?
This LNAT essay question is included in LawMint LNAT Practice Test series.
While the model essays may include both sides of an argument, the question may require you to state your stance - either for or against; and support it with arguments.
Read our articles and watch the videos on our YouTube channel for guidance on how to structure and write the LNAT Essay.
Medical professionals are entrusted with the responsibility of providing healthcare that adheres to both the principles of patient autonomy and medical ethics. Patient autonomy, the right of a patient to make informed decisions about their healthcare, is a cornerstone of medical ethics. However, striking the right balance between these two can be challenging, as there may be instances where prioritizing one over the other may lead to undesirable outcomes. This essay explores the importance of patient autonomy and medical ethics in treatment decisions, discusses potential conflicts between the two, and proposes a framework for achieving a balance that respects both principles.
Patient Autonomy and its Importance
Patient autonomy is the right of patients to be involved in their healthcare decisions, ensuring that they have control over the medical interventions they receive. Informed consent, an essential component of patient autonomy, requires that patients receive sufficient information about their condition, potential treatments, and the associated risks and benefits, enabling them to make an educated decision. Respecting patient autonomy is crucial because it fosters trust between patients and medical professionals, promotes patient satisfaction, and upholds the ethical principle of respecting an individual’s right to self-determination.
Medical Ethics and its Importance
Medical ethics encompasses a set of moral principles that guide the practice of medicine, with a primary focus on the well-being of the patient. Key principles of medical ethics include beneficence (doing what is best for the patient), non-maleficence (avoiding harm to the patient), and justice (ensuring that healthcare resources are allocated fairly). Medical ethics is vital in ensuring that healthcare professionals adhere to a standard of care that prioritizes patient welfare, maintains the integrity of the profession, and promotes public trust in the healthcare system.
Potential Conflicts between Patient Autonomy and Medical Ethics
There can be situations where prioritizing patient autonomy conflicts with the principles of medical ethics. For example, a patient may refuse a life-saving treatment due to personal beliefs, even if the treatment aligns with the best medical practices. In such cases, medical professionals may face the dilemma of respecting the patient’s autonomy while adhering to their ethical obligation to provide the best possible care. Furthermore, patients may request treatments that are not medically indicated, placing medical professionals in a challenging position where respecting patient autonomy could potentially result in harm or the inefficient use of healthcare resources.
Achieving a Balance between Patient Autonomy and Medical Ethics
To strike an appropriate balance between patient autonomy and medical ethics, medical professionals should consider a collaborative approach that involves open communication and shared decision-making. This approach encourages patients to express their preferences, values, and beliefs, while medical professionals provide their expertise, information about potential treatments, and ethical considerations. This partnership allows for the development of a mutually agreed-upon treatment plan that respects patient autonomy and adheres to medical ethics.
In cases where conflicts between patient autonomy and medical ethics persist, healthcare professionals may benefit from consulting with colleagues or ethics committees to gain additional insights and perspectives. Ultimately, medical professionals should aim to find solutions that prioritize patient welfare while respecting their autonomy, even if this involves compromising on specific treatment preferences.
Balancing patient autonomy and medical ethics in treatment decisions is a complex yet essential aspect of medical practice. Respecting patient autonomy is crucial in maintaining trust and promoting patient satisfaction, while adhering to medical ethics ensures the integrity and effectiveness of healthcare. By adopting a collaborative approach and engaging in open communication and shared decision-making, medical professionals can successfully navigate conflicts between these principles and develop treatment plans that respect both patient autonomy and medical ethics.
- Revised & updated LNAT 2024 Edition
- 30 Full-Length Practice Tests
- 360 LNAT-Style Passages
- 1,260 Multiple-Choice Questions
- All Answers Include Explanations
- 90 Essay Questions - with model answers
- Access for 12 months from the date of purchase
- Option to Repeat All Tests Thrice for Enhanced Practice
- Random Shuffling of Answers for Repeat Practice Sessions
- Try the Free Full Length LNAT 2024 Practice Test