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LNAT Practice Test Essay – Discuss the ethical implications of regulating potentially harmful activities, such as extreme sports or certain sexual practices.

LawMint LNAT 2024 Practice Tests
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In the LawMint LNAT Practice Test Series for 2024 and 2025, there are 30 full length tests, with 360 passages – 1260 MCQs and 90 essay prompts or essay questions.

The essay below is a sample that can be written for the prompt:

Discuss the ethical implications of regulating potentially harmful activities, such as extreme sports or certain sexual practices.

This LNAT essay question is included in LawMint LNAT Practice Test series.

While the model essays may include both sides of an argument, the question may require you to state your stance - either for or against; and support it with arguments.

Read our articles and watch the videos on our YouTube channel for guidance on how to structure and write the LNAT Essay.


The regulation of potentially harmful activities has long been a topic of debate, particularly when it comes to extreme sports and certain sexual practices. While proponents argue that regulations are necessary to protect individuals from harm, critics contend that such regulations can infringe upon personal freedom and autonomy. This essay will discuss the ethical implications of regulating potentially harmful activities by examining the key arguments on both sides of the debate.

The Need for Regulation

One of the main ethical considerations in favor of regulation is the principle of non-maleficence, which posits that actions should not cause harm to others. Extreme sports and certain sexual practices carry inherent risks that can result in serious injuries or even death. By imposing safety standards and guidelines, regulatory bodies can help mitigate these risks and ensure that participants are aware of the potential consequences of their actions.

Moreover, regulating potentially harmful activities can protect vulnerable individuals from exploitation. This is especially pertinent in the context of sexual practices, where the power dynamics between participants can be unequal, and consent might not be fully informed or freely given. Regulations can help establish a framework to safeguard against coercion and abuse.

Lastly, the societal costs associated with potentially harmful activities should not be overlooked. Medical expenses, lost productivity, and the emotional toll on family and friends can be significant. By enforcing regulations, the burden on society can be reduced, and resources can be allocated more efficiently.

The Case for Personal Autonomy

Opponents of regulation argue that individuals have the right to personal autonomy, which includes the freedom to make choices about their own bodies and the risks they are willing to take. Imposing restrictions on potentially harmful activities can be seen as paternalistic and an infringement on individual liberty. This perspective is grounded in the ethical principle of respect for autonomy, which upholds the right of individuals to make their own decisions about their lives, even if those choices might be risky or harmful.

Furthermore, regulating extreme sports or certain sexual practices may inadvertently contribute to a culture of shame and stigma. People may be less likely to seek help or report incidents of abuse when the activities they engage in are deemed “dangerous” or “deviant.” This can create an environment in which harm is more likely to occur, rather than less.

Finding a Balance

The ethical implications of regulating potentially harmful activities can be complex and multifaceted. To strike a balance between protecting individuals from harm and respecting personal autonomy, it is essential to consider the context and specifics of each activity.

Regulations should be designed to minimize risks without excessively infringing on personal freedom. For instance, mandatory safety equipment and training for extreme sports can help reduce the likelihood of injury while still allowing individuals to engage in the activities they enjoy. Similarly, guidelines for consensual and safe sexual practices can be established without imposing a blanket ban on particular activities.

Moreover, fostering open dialogue and education around potentially harmful activities can help challenge stigma and encourage a culture of safety and consent. By providing individuals with accurate information and resources, they can make informed decisions about the risks they are willing to take and ensure that their activities are conducted safely and responsibly.


Regulating potentially harmful activities, such as extreme sports or certain sexual practices, raises important ethical questions about the balance between non-maleficence and respect for autonomy. While regulations can protect individuals from harm and mitigate societal costs, they must be carefully designed to avoid infringing on personal freedom and perpetuating stigma. Striking the right balance requires a nuanced understanding of the risks involved and a commitment to fostering a culture of safety, consent, and open dialogue.

LawMint LNAT 2024 Practice Tests
  • Revised & updated LNAT 2024 Edition
  • 30 Full-Length Practice Tests
  • 360 LNAT-Style Passages
  • 1,260 Multiple-Choice Questions
  • All Answers Include Explanations
  • 90 Essay Questions - with model answers
  • Access for 12 months from the date of purchase
  • Option to Repeat All Tests Thrice for Enhanced Practice
  • Random Shuffling of Answers for Repeat Practice Sessions
  • Try the Free Full Length LNAT 2024 Practice Test
61 Discuss ethical implications of regulating potentially harmful activities extreme sports certain sexual practices LNAT Practice Test