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Compare vs Contrast – LNAT 2024 Question Types Explained

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What is the difference between ‘Compare’ and ‘Contrast’?


‘Compare’ primarily refers to examining the similarities or the differences between two or more subjects.

From an LNAT perspective, the focus is more on similarities, rather than the differences.

Examples of comparison

  • Both cars are fuel-efficient.
  • Both authors use vivid imagery in their writing.
  • Both political parties support educational reform.
  • Both movies belong to the science fiction genre.
  • Both artists utilize bold colors in their paintings.


‘Contrast’ refers to identifying the differences between two or more subjects, usually on the same parameter. i.e., you can contrast two cars on their fuel efficiency.

Examples of Contrast

  • One car is fuel-efficient, while the other is a gas-guzzler.
  • One author uses vivid imagery, while the other employs a minimalist writing style.
  • One political party supports educational reform, while the other opposes it.
  • One movie is a romantic comedy, while the other is a horror film.
  • One artist utilizes bold colors, while the other prefers muted tones.

How to answer Compare and Contrast questions in the LNAT 2024?

Questions asking candidates to compare or contrast between two or more subjects appear frequently in the LNAT. Listed below are some of the basic steps, tips and tricks in tackling them.

To differentiate between ‘compare’ and ‘contrast’, focus on whether the question or statement highlights similarities (compare) or differences (contrast) between the subjects being examined.

In the context of LNAT questions – ‘Compare’ is referring to elements that are similar, while ‘contrast’ is referring to elements that are different.

  • Read the passages carefully: Take the time to thoroughly read and understand the passages before attempting to answer the compare and contrast questions.
  • Identify the focus of the question: Look for keywords or phrases in the question that indicate whether you need to compare (find similarities) or contrast (find differences).
  • Pay attention to the key points: As you read the passages, pay attention to any significant similarities or differences that may help you answer the questions.
  • Determine the main ideas: Focus on the primary themes, arguments, or subjects in each passage to better understand the context for comparison or contrasting.
  • Analyze tone, style, and structure: Consider the authors’ tones, writing styles, and how the passages are structured to identify additional points for comparison or contrasting.
  • In case of two passages ‘A’ and ‘B’, make connections between them: Draw connections between the passages, considering similarities and differences in authors’ opinions, the evidence they present, and the conclusions they reach.
  • Eliminate incorrect options: Use your understanding of the passages to rule out any answer choices that are clearly incorrect, helping you narrow down your options.
  • Refer back to the passages: If you’re unsure about an answer, refer back to the relevant sections of the passages to verify your understanding and find evidence to support your choice.
  • Review your answers: Once you’ve answered all the compare and contrast questions, quickly review your choices to ensure they are accurate and supported by the information in the passages.

Remember ! Questions in the LNAT may not always have the keywords ‘Compare’ or ‘Contrast’. Read the question carefully to understand the intention – what does the question want you to do?

Examples of ‘Comparison’ questions that may appear in LNAT 2024.

  • How are the main characters in the two passages similar in their perspectives on the central issue?
  • Compare the authors’ use of language to evoke emotions in the readers.
  • In what ways do the authors of the passages agree on the subject matter?
  • How do the two passages depict similar societal issues?
  • Compare the structure and organization of the arguments presented in the passages.

Keywords that will help in identifying and answering ‘compare’ related questions.

  • Compare
  • Similarities
  • Both
  • Likewise
  • In the same way
  • Correspondingly
  • Equally
  • Analogous
  • Resemble
  • Parallel

Examples of ‘Contrast’ questions that may appear in LNAT 2024.

  • In what ways do the authors of the two passages differ in their opinions on the subject matter?
  • Contrast the tones used by the authors in the passages to convey their messages.
  • How do the main characters in the two passages differ in their reactions to the central issue?
  • In what ways do the societal issues depicted in the passages differ?
  • Contrast the structure and organization of the arguments presented in the passages.

Keywords that will help in identifying and answering ‘contrast’ related questions.

  • Contrast
  • Differences
  • Unlike
  • On the contrary
  • In contrast
  • However
  • Nonetheless
  • Whereas
  • Conversely
  • On the other hand
LawMint LNAT 2024 Practice Tests
  • Revised & updated LNAT 2024 Edition
  • 30 Full-Length Practice Tests
  • 360 LNAT-Style Passages
  • 1,260 Multiple-Choice Questions
  • All Answers Include Explanations
  • 90 Essay Questions - with model answers
  • Access for 12 months from the date of purchase
  • Option to Repeat All Tests Thrice for Enhanced Practice
  • Random Shuffling of Answers for Repeat Practice Sessions
  • Try the Free Full Length LNAT 2024 Practice Test
LNAT Question Types Explained Compare vs Contrast Lawmint